What the World Eats!

This past week to wrap up the 21S term students in Professor Rakova's Russian 3 class presented on the food of different countries for their final presentations "What the World Eats" completely in Russian! Below are some screenshots, pictures, and videos from student presentations, click on the links below to see more!

This past week to wrap up the 21S term students in Professor Rakova's Russian 3 class presented on the food of different countries for their final presentations "What the World Eats" completely in Russian! Below are some screenshots and pictures from student presentations, click on the links below to see more. Check out the videos as well to see some students from the class performing some Russian songs with instrumental accompaniment!

Country and Student Presentations:

United States, Claire Macedonia '24: clairemacedoniapresentationruss3.pdf

Bhutan, Thuan Tran '24: thuanpresentationruss3.pdf

England, Elizabeth (Liza) Gusek '24: elizabethgusekpresentationruss3.pdf

Germany, Madyson Buchalski '24: madysonbuchalskipresentationruss3.pdf

China,  Gregor Mattedi '22: gregormattedipresentationruss3.pdf

Luxembourg, Amrit Krivov '24: amritkrivovpresentationruss3.pdf

Poland, Edward Gardner '24: edwardgardnerpresentationruss3.pptx

Japan, Lintaro Donovan '24: lintaropresentationruss3.pdf


Song Performance by Thuan Tran '24 and Amrit Krivov '24: Ya Shagayu Po Moskve

Song Performance by Thuan Tran '24: Nashe Leto